Exploring the Emirates

Hi there!

It’s been two weeks since I’ve last posted, and it’s been a hectic, busy time for me. But I’m glad to be back and writing again! I hope you missed reading my blogs as much as I missed writing them!

Anyways, my last post took a much more serious look at the UAE, you can read it here, Dubai : Decoding The Dream.

While I feel it was necessary to show you that not everything in the UAE is a dream, I’d  also like to take you along some of the cool places that I’ve explored during my time living in the UAE.

After all, the UAE is one of the coolest places for any traveler to visit!

Exploring the Emirates – inside Sheikh Zayed Grande Mosque.

One day weekend escapades

For those of you who don’t know, Friday’s are a holiday all over the UAE. Saturday and Sunday are working days. So that means a UAE weekend consists of just one day, Friday.

So I’d make the most of my one day weekends and try to explore new places as much as I could  given the time I had. Now Fridays aren’t exactly the best days to be out and about because everything gets so crowded and everybody is off enjoying their weekend, but when you have the chance to adventure out, you take it!

TGIF, right?

So with this blog post I’ll be showing you some of the places I’ve explored during my weekends in some of the emirates!


Of course I’ll be starting with Dubai because it’s the most famous and visited emirate in the UAE. Dubai is also the most crowded when it comes to tourists, but even more so on Fridays for the workin’ folk who want to enjoy their day off in the big city of lights.

Dubai’s most famous symbol, the Burj Khalifa

Dubai Mall

If you’ve read my previous blogs carefully, you’d know by now that malls aren’t on the top of my list of places to go to.  However, Dubai Mall is an exception.

Dubai Mall is more than just a mall, it’s a melting pot of people from all over the world under one roof, kind off like an airport. I’d go there and feel like I was in a giant international airport, passing by travelers and people from all corners of the globe, with each one heading towards their own destination. This is why I love Dubai Mall.

I’d just go there sometimes when my travel bug would kick in and I’d crave that feeling of being surrounded by people from different parts of the world, and I’d just walk and observe everyone around me and walk some more. Walking is something you can expect to do quite a lot of in Dubai mall because it’s the largest mall in the world by area. I remember not being able to cover its entirety the first, second, and third time I went there because it’s just way too much to cover in a day. And afterwards you’d actually feel your leg muscles aching cause of all the walking around!

You can shop.
You can admire the architecture.
You can visit the aquarium.

You can make some friends.
You can see the Human Waterfalls.
And you can go ice skating!

At the top – Burj Khalifa

Right outside the Dubai Mall is the worlds tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. No picture of Dubai is complete without the Burj Khalifa standing tall in the distance.

The majestic Burj Khalifa, pictured outside of Dubai Mall

Outside of Dubai Mall is everyones favorite place for getting their Burj Khalifa pictures, and after they’re done with their pictures then they head back inside the mall.

While many admire the outside of the Burj, the real wonder is inside, up at the top. A lot of people prefer to just see the Burj from the outside, because tickets to go up the Burj are pricy at 500AED ( that’s about 140 USD), but I think to myself that people spend the same amount of money on food and shopping , that you may as well just spend a few more bucks and experience going up the Burj Khalifa at least once in your life.

I purchase the ticket inside the mall, then I’m escorted to a waiting room alongside other groups of people. Then we are met with a guide who takes us along the structure and into the elevator. The fastest elevator in the world.

The elevator takes us up to the 148th floor, and it’s a very rapid ascend.  Your ears pop as you go up and you can feel the altitude, it was like being in an airplane or a spaceship.

Then we make it up to the deck, where everyone is given not more than 30 minutes to move around and explore, then you are escorted down and you’re done with the At The Top experience. It’s definitely worth doing once!

The Burj Khalifa has 156 floors, but visitors are only allowed up to the 148th floor.

You can see the whole of Dubai from up here!

Dubai Miracle Garden

Flowers in the desert. Lots and lots of flowers.

When entering Dubai Miracle Garden, you feel like you’re in some fairytale land. It’s worlds away from all the top notch buildings and hi-tech fanciness of Dubai, giving Dubai a much more softer, romantic touch.

Inaugurated in Valentines Day 2013, Dubai Miracle Garden is the world’s largest natural flower garden with a collection of over 45 million flower species.

If you’re a flower child, then this is your haven!

Mall of the Emirates

Aah back to malls! Dubai and shopping are synonymous with each other, they go hand in hand. Infact, most visitors who go to Dubai come solely for shopping. And the locals love it too. Everyone loves malls in Dubai because inside one you can escape the sweltering heat in the always Air conditioned malls.

Mall of the Emirates is second to Dubai Mall in my opinion. Its grande, and upscale and its a buzz of activity. It houses Ski Dubai, the worlds largest indoor ski park where you can ski indoors and then head out and shop or dine. I skied on the artificial snow once, and it was ironic how you can have an indoor ski park in Dubai of all places, but you won’t get an indoor desert Safari in the UAE or any other country!

Why Mall of the Emirates is a favorite of mines is also because of its architecture. There’s a great galleria that is lit up by this huge dome where natural light pores in. It gives off an interesting atmosphere inside, where I feel like I’m in someplace in Europe in the Middle East.

My favorite spot at Emirates Mall.


Jumeirah is one of Dubai’s most affluent areas, housing expatriates and wealthy locals. It’s also a major touristic hub. It’s the Beverly Hills, the Miami Beach and the Copacabana of Dubai.

Inside the famous Wild Wadi Water Park.

Burj Al Arab

Before there was the Burj Khalifa, the Burj Al Arab was Dubai’s most recognizable landmark. It’s a luxury hotel, and its the third tallest hotel in the world. I’ve always wanted to go inside, but I never did. I’m not sure why, but I’ll save it for my next trip!

The closest I’ve ever gotten to the Burj Al Arab.

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is one of the seven emirates that form the United Arab Emirates, and it’s also the capital of the UAE. It’s quite far getting to, at more than 120km from Dubai. It can be an hour’s drive away or more, depending on which Emirates you’re coming from.

The famous Aldar Headquarters in Abu Dhabi

I’ve only been to Abu Dhabi once and these are some of the places I got to see.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque

One of the most beautiful places in the entire UAE has to be Sheikh Zayed Mosque. Beautiful and serene, it’s a magical place. Walking through the white marbled walls makes you feel calm and at peace.

It’s open to everyone, muslims and non-muslims, and it’s now a major tourist hub.

It’s the largest mosque in the UAE, holding  up to 41 000 people or more.

Isn’t it just magical?

Emirates Palace

Emirates Palace is a luxury hotel popular with tourists

The Yas Viceroy Hotel, a five-star Hotel with a futuristic design.

Ferrari World is another big draw for tourists.

These are some of the places I managed to cover in Abu Dhabi. I need to go back and visit the recently opened Louvre museum!


Sharjah is the third most populous city in the UAE after Dubai and Abu Dhabi. It’s about 10 minutes away from Dubai without traffic. It goes by unexplored by most tourists, but theres quite a few good places to see in Sharjah.

Sharjah municipality building.

Buheira Corniche

Corniches are classic additions to any middle eastern city wherever water is around. I used to make frequent walks along Sharjah’s Buheira Corniche, mostly because its really great for walks and theres a lot surrounding the corniche which is very interesting to see.

The corniche looks exceptionally beautiful in the evening time.

There’s a famous light show in the waters that plays every night

There is Al Noor Mosque, which is beautiful, especially at night where its all lit up.

Al Noor Mosque

Al Qasba

Known as ‘The Heart of Sharjah’, Al Qasba is a bustling place with lots to do.  There’s the Eye of the Emirates, a giant Ferris wheel and there’s restaurants and shops around and theres the a lot of walking around, where it connects to the corniche.

Driving along Al Qasba canal.
Al Qasbah.

The Eye of the Emirates

Al Noor Island

One of the most surprising places I visited in Sharjah was Al Noor Island. It’s an articial island tucked away in the middle of Khalid Lagoon. I found myself walking along the corniche and noticed this giant golden pavilion over in the distance.

I made my way closer to it and got myself a ticket and I was surprised by this discovery. Al Noor Island is a large garden space, housing different art installations and most famously a butterfly pavilion with hundreds of butterfly species.

Its a unique place. Here you are, surrounded by the lagoon, with skyscrapers at the distance and butterflies and greenery around you as you overlook Sharjah.

Beautiful patterns that from butterflies.

One of the many structures in Al Noor Island.

The garden is lit up by thousands of little lights at night.


Ajman is another of emirates and the last I managed to explore. Ajman is very similar to Sharjah, and I didn’t find much to do there except go to the beach. The beaches in Ajman tends to be less crowded so that makes it ideal for peaceful swims and strolls, away from huge crowds of people.

Ajman’s traffic lights have hearts as green light and smiley faces as red lights (sorry I don’t have any photos of the red lights!)
Sometimes you can see camels on the beach.

Getting Around

I cannot conclude this post without talking about the Dubai Metro. Everyone who visits Dubai and uses the metro remembers the experience.

Not only do you get to see Dubai through the Metro, you integrate yourself with all the colorful characters who you encounter on the move. It’s where all the tourists can move easily around in, the expats, the students, the laborers and everyone in between. Oddly enough, you won’t see any local emirati sitting in the metro. No chance.

In the metro, you also hear and learn some of the Arabic through the announcements.

“Al Mahatta Al Qadeema Hiya”. – The next station is..

“Al ‘ Abwab Taftah” – Door’s opening.

“Al ‘ Abwab Tughliq” – Door’s closing,

This is as much as I’ve learnt of Arabic, aside from a few other words.

Thinking about the Arabic announcements and metro makes me very nostalgic!

The Emirates, a place to be explored!

So here I conclude my adventures in the Emirates! I hope you enjoyed coming along with me on this journey.

Which of these places would you like to visit? Let me know down below!

Thanks for reading!

Fahim Was Here

June 22nd, 2018

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3 Comments Add yours

  1. Rasika Iyer says:

    Loved it! ❤️
    I’ve visited Dubai and Abu Dhabi and I loved both of them, or maybe Dubai a little more because I’ve been there more than Abu Dhabi. And I’ve pretty much seen all the places that you mentioned. They’re truly beautiful! ❤️
    If I get to go there once again, I’ll make sure I’ll cover the remaining ones.
    Thanks for giving me some ideas. 😁


    1. Fahim Faizal says:

      Hey Rasika! Glad you liked it!


  2. Amarra says:



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